
Ring in the New Year With a Writing Resolution: Tell Your Story

At Orange Frazer, we believe that good stories abound. We have worked with grandfathers, CEO’s, surgeons, teachers, chefs, and daughters. We have told sports histories, highlighted success stories, photographed communities, celebrated anniversaries, and commemorated legacies. We know that the inherent value of a story lies in its telling, that with each telling a story gains new life and purpose. We know that the power of a person’s life and passion should be passed on, preserved, and reinvigorated for successive generations. img202

Jane Murray Heimlich


And it is at this time of year that we reflect on these stories—where we’ve been and the books we’ve seen unfold (and sold!)—and when we push ourselves to look forward with confidence and excitement to the stories that will come our way. Each new project is an opportunity to become an expert in a new field or a confidante of a new story. We are the collectors of facts and histories, memories and aged photographs. We have turned shoeboxes of keepsakes into gorgeous coffee-table books, musings into poignant memoirs. We know the art of shaping thoughts into stories and visions into designs, and we look forward to each new opportunity to stretch our creative muscles.

We know what we are doing for our new year, but what are you doing with yours? Do you have dreams of writing a children’s book? Is your business approaching a milestone or anniversary? Do you have collections of photos or a family history that needs preserving? Perhaps it’s time to pursue that inkling of a story that has been sitting in the back of your mind (or perhaps on the tip of your tongue) for years. Make a promise to yourself in this new year to tell your story, because Orange Frazer is listening.

Find out more about how to make your dream of publishing a reality here. Also, be on the lookout for Orange Frazer in your city, as the “Tell Your Story” tour will begin this month in Wilmington, Ohio (and will move to Cincinnati soon!). We will be visiting retirement communities, non-profits, and community centers to talk about writing as storytelling, healing, celebrating, and connecting. We will be documenting the campaign on our blog and on Twitter with the hashtag #tellyourstory.