Orange Frazer Holiday Cover Photo Contest: GO

Here at Orange Frazer, the holidays start early. Marcy and Sarah are unpacking their menorahs, Brittany has already switched her work Pandora station over to Christmas tunes, the website has been properly adorned, and the pros and cons of a USB-powered glowing Christmas tree have been discussed in Monday production meetings.

Needless to say, we love the holiday season here. We were thinking of fun ways to celebrate it with you all, and thought, wouldn't it be fun to give the Facebook page a holiday makeover? So we are, and we need your help!

We are inviting YOU to submit your very own, originally designed, Orange Frazer holiday cover photo! It has to be festive! It has to be bipartisan (we are one diverse office, you know), and it has to be colorful. Other than that, it is all up to YOU. The winner will be chosen December 1. Included in the winnings: cover photo displayed proudly on the OFP facebook page from December 1-December 25th and an exclusive blog feature all about you and your work.  And you never know...there could be more.

Cover photo must be 851x315 pix. Post your finalized photo to our Facebook page as a JPEG.

Happy holidays from Orange Frazer! And check back for Orange Frazer holiday releases!